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Nature research figure guide (beta)

Figure editing - what to expect

Table of contents

Our visual editors explain the process and how they work

  • Figures before editing with overlapping text labels coloured icons used in a figure legend.
    Before: Figures are inconsistently sized and difficult to read (overlapping data), and do not meet accessibility requirements (low-contrast text).
  • Figures after editing with the Nature style applied to remove overlapping labels and coloured text.
    After: Figures have a consistent style size and follow our rules for legibility and accessibility.

What we do

Our art team specializes in refining figures for maximum clarity, legibility and accessibility. Authors receive direct, personalized correspondence. We:

  • Provide advice and assistance from pre-acceptance to publication, making reasonable changes throughout the process.
  • Collaborate closely with authors to optimize sizing, implement colour blind-friendly palettes, and ensure high-contrast text for the visually impaired.
  • Arrange panels to maximize space, preventing unnecessary text edits.
  • Adjust text, resize elements and reposition labels, maintaining comfortable spacing for visually appealing papers and presentations.
  • Complete rigorous checks to ensure figures meet quality standards, preventing issues during the proofing and print processes.

The production process

Nature’s art team collaborates with authors to prepare figures for acceptance and agrees on sizing. After this:

  • Our production team enters the figures into our system
  • Copyeditors make textual adjustments
  • The art team implements changes and makes further adjustments
  • Authors receive a typeset proof and can request final changes from the Nature team.
  • The final manuscript is published in print and online.

Read next:

Preparing figures - our specifications